Attention and Conditionality

In this module, we implement attention and conditionality

Adapted from

Attention is a “high-pass” filter that can help with the limitations of a “low-pass” filter such as a convolution.

Huggingface diffusers implements a 1D-attention by rasterizing the image, which is how we will implement this (although this is known to be “suboptimal,” accourding to Howard.) Then, each pixel has a \(C\)-dimensional embedding.

Johno mentions that softmax tends to assign all weight to a single dimension, but this is often undesirable. Multi-headedness compensates for this by creating many orthoganol subspaces within which attention is assigned.

See for more details.



 MultiheadSelfAttention1D (nc, nh)

Multi-head self-attention

attn = MultiheadSelfAttention1D(nc=32, nh=4)
x = torch.randn(8, 32, 16, 16)
torch.Size([8, 32, 16, 16])

Let’s use this in a Diffusion UNet. Note that we cannot use attention near the beginning or head due to the quadratic time and space capacity (there are more time steps at these points). Typically, attention is only used when the feature map is 16x16 or 32x32 or higher.



 TAResBlock (t_embed, c_in, c_out, ks=3, stride=2, nh=None)

Res-block with attention



 TADownblock (t_embed, c_in, c_out, downsample=True, n_layers=1, nh=None)

Resdownblock with attention



 TAUpblock (t_embed, c_in, c_out, upsample=True, n_layers=1, nh=None)

Resupblock with attention



 TAUnet (nfs=(224, 448, 672, 896), attention_heads=(0, 8, 8, 8),
         n_blocks=(3, 2, 2, 1, 1), color_channels=3)

U-net with attention up/down-blocks

dls = get_fashion_dls(512)
un = train(
        nfs=(32, 64, 128, 256, 384),
        n_blocks=(3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1),
        attention_heads=(0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8),
loss epoch train
0.282 0 train
0.114 0 eval
0.084 1 train
0.073 1 eval
0.059 2 train
0.055 2 eval
0.048 3 train
0.045 3 eval
0.042 4 train
0.045 4 eval
0.039 5 train
0.064 5 eval
0.037 6 train
0.043 6 eval
0.035 7 train
0.040 7 eval
0.034 8 train
0.037 8 eval
0.032 9 train
0.050 9 eval
0.033 10 train
0.036 10 eval
0.031 11 train
0.032 11 eval
0.030 12 train
0.031 12 eval
0.030 13 train
0.030 13 eval
0.029 14 train
0.030 14 eval
0.029 15 train
0.030 15 eval
0.028 16 train
0.028 16 eval
0.028 17 train
0.030 17 eval
0.028 18 train
0.028 18 eval
0.028 19 train
0.029 19 eval
0.028 20 train
0.028 20 eval
0.027 21 train
0.027 21 eval
0.027 22 train
0.027 22 eval
0.027 23 train
0.027 23 eval
0.027 24 train
0.028 24 eval

CPU times: user 16min 3s, sys: 2min 6s, total: 18min 9s
Wall time: 18min 16s
x_0, _ = ddpm(un, (8, 1, 32, 32), n_steps=100)
show_images(x_0, imsize=0.8)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 249/249 [00:01<00:00, 130.57time step/s]

del un

Adding conditionality



 ConditionalTAUnet (n_classes, nfs=(224, 448, 672, 896),
                    attention_heads=(0, 8, 8, 8), n_blocks=(3, 2, 2, 1,
                    1), color_channels=3)

U-net with attention up/down-blocks



 ConditionalFashionDDPM ()

Training specific behaviors for the Learner



 conditional_train (model, dls, lr=0.004, n_epochs=25, extra_cbs=[],
                    loss_fn=<function mse_loss>)
un = conditional_train(
        nfs=(32, 64, 128, 256, 384),
        n_blocks=(3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1),
        attention_heads=(0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8),
loss epoch train
0.158 0 train
0.087 0 eval
0.058 1 train
0.056 1 eval
0.045 2 train
0.054 2 eval
0.039 3 train
0.042 3 eval
0.036 4 train
0.050 4 eval
0.034 5 train
0.043 5 eval
0.033 6 train
0.035 6 eval
0.031 7 train
0.039 7 eval
0.030 8 train
0.035 8 eval
0.030 9 train
0.050 9 eval
0.030 10 train
0.039 10 eval
0.028 11 train
0.035 11 eval
0.028 12 train
0.029 12 eval
0.028 13 train
0.029 13 eval
0.027 14 train
0.028 14 eval
0.027 15 train
0.027 15 eval
0.026 16 train
0.027 16 eval
0.026 17 train
0.026 17 eval
0.026 18 train
0.026 18 eval
0.026 19 train
0.026 19 eval
0.026 20 train
0.026 20 eval
0.025 21 train
0.026 21 eval
0.025 22 train
0.026 22 eval
0.025 23 train
0.026 23 eval
0.025 24 train
0.025 24 eval

CPU times: user 16min 1s, sys: 2min 6s, total: 18min 8s
Wall time: 18min 16s



 conditional_ddpm (model, c, sz=(16, 1, 32, 32), device='cpu',
c = torch.arange(0, 9)
x_0, _ = conditional_ddpm(un, c, (9, 1, 32, 32))
show_images(x_0, imsize=0.8);
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 99/99 [00:00<00:00, 119.07time step/s]

x_0, _ = conditional_ddpm(un, c, (9, 1, 32, 32))
show_images(x_0, imsize=0.8);
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 99/99 [00:00<00:00, 131.05time step/s]